We are very excited to be announcing a new, free health seminar collaboration with Greenlands Health & Wellness in Delray Beach!
The topic of this seminar will be “Stress Reduction through Herbal Teas and Acupuncture”. In our fast-paced, non-stop society, stress has become a defining factor in our lives, affecting our moods and even the way we interact with the world.
In this seminar, I will be talking about how we can take control of our stress using a combination of herbal teas and acupuncture. In my 26 years of clinical practice and talking to thousands of patients, I have found certain healthy habits appearing again and again when people learn to take control of their stress and at this seminar, I will be sharing them with you!
The event is free and open to the public but make sure to register today to reserve your seat! To see a longer description of the seminar and for more details, please check out our Events page.