Boca Acupuncture

Acupuncture in Delray Beach

Acupuncturist in Boca Raton and Delray Beach areas, Dr. Li Zheng, a skilled acupuncture physician with over 30 years of clinical experience in Chinese and Western Medicine, and her trained medical staff, develop and deliver patient-specific treatment plans to heal their physical and psychosomatic ailments.

More and More young people move to Delray Beach and Boca areas and work at home During Covid-19 pandemic. Because of their sedentary life styles, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, premature ovarian failure, PCOS, and erectile dysfunction (ED) occur to the younger generation. High stress can also lead to anxiety, depression and panic attack. Furthermore: High stress can also compromise immune function. People, who sat in front of computer for over 8 hours in Delray and Boca apartment, tend to develop neck pain, lower back pain, glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye and other medical problems. Fortunately they get acupuncture coverage from their employee to improve their health, so they can avoid expensive surgery for their neck and back pain.

Li Zheng, member of Delray Beach and Boca chamber of commerce, holds interesting talks on the causes of diseases and how and why acupuncture and herbs can best heal the health issues such as back pain, neck pain, allergies, dry eye, arthritis, menopause, glaucoma, dry eye and macular degeneration in Delray Beach and Palm Beach public libraries.

Patients from Delray Beach and adjacent areas such as Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, Coral Springs, and Pompano Beach are very happy to get the information from Li Zheng so that they can change the life style and stop acupuncture treatment once the body restores the balance.

Presentation & Free Consultation

Improve your Digestion and Strengthen your Immune Function with Acupressure

Dr. Li Zheng will be holding a free lecture to explain why digestion is so important for a healthy nervous system and strong immune function. She will teach you how to use acupressure to reduce acid reflux and indigestion.

She will also use clinical cases to explain why indigestion can be linked with neuropathy, anxiety, panic attacks and even arthritis. When your digestion system functions well, your muscles and tendons are stronger, your blood vessels are healthier, your joints can get sufficient blood flow, and the degeneration of your joints will slow down.

Wednesday, March. 29, 2017
6pm – 7 pm
at Delray Public Library
100 West Atlantic Ave
Delray Beach, FL 33445

Li Zheng is a graduate of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with 26 years of clinical experience, a Ph.D. degree holder in medical sciences, a Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School trained researcher, a professor at the New England School of Acupuncture, the Director of Natural Medicine at American Chinese Medical Exchange Society, and a consultant of Health Grid Inc, MA. She is also the author of the books, Acupuncture and Hormone Balance and Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for Common Diseases.

How to use Acupressure to reduce the stress and improve the Circulation to Your eyes and Heart.

Boca Acupuncturist will be holding a free lecture about how to apply pressure on certain acupuncture points to reduce your eye pressure, relax the eye and neck muscles and improve the circulation to your eyes, knees, feet and hands in order to prevent the glaucoma, slow down the aging process such as macular degeneration, arthritis, neck pain and back pain. In this lecture, she will also show you how to press certain points daily to reduce the stress and balance your immune function. When acupressure is combined with meditation and acupuncture, you can achieve much better result. Patients can reduce the number of the visits of acupuncture and other treatments. She will also explain what kind of herbal teas are beneficial for our eyes and help reduce the inflammation

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2017: 1pm – 2 pm
at Delray Community Wellness Center
4800 Linton Blv., Suite F 111, Delray Beach, FL 33445

Li Zheng is a graduate of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with 26 years of clinical experience, a Ph.D. degree holder in medical sciences, a Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School trained researcher, a professor at the New England School of Acupuncture, the Director of Natural Medicine at American Chinese Medical Exchange Society, and a consultant of Health Grid Inc, MA. She is also the author of the books, Acupuncture and Hormone Balance, Acupuncture and Longevity, Acupuncture and Infertility, and Erectile Dysfunction and Prostate Problems.

Make an Appointment

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