Boca Acupuncture

Back Pain Acupuncture

Back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide and can be caused by a number of factors. Arthritis in spine, osteoporosis, sitting on uncomfortable chairs and sofas for a long time, disc problems, sciatica and lifting heavy weights repeatedly may cause muscle spasms or pinched nerves.

Whether the back pain is acute (lasting less than 6 weeks) or chronic (more than three months), acupuncture has been found to be highly effective for their treatment. Availing services of a licensed and experienced acupuncturist would help you alleviate the pain, remove the energy blockage and restore health and harmony.

How Back Pain Acupuncture can provide you immediate relief

Back pain acupuncture involves the insertion of hair thin stainless needles at the specific acupuncture points that stimulate the nervous system and alleviate the pain. The acupuncture needles may be inserted at various acupoints to a depth of one to two inches. The needles may be left for 15 to 30 minutes or for 10 seconds depending upon the disease or condition for which the patient is getting treatment.

Acupuncture triggers the release of natural endorphin, dopamine, and serotonin that alter the perception of pain and promotes deep sleep. Likewise, acupuncture stimulates the secretion of cortisol that affects the immune system and changes the threshold of pain and pleasure. But all the changes are adjusted by a human feedback system, so the balance of the chemicals can be restored.

Visit Boca Acupuncture Clinic for back pain and other health issues:

For the treatment of Weight loss, arthritis, Diabetes, cystitis, Atrial fibrillation, stroke, Reynaud’s, high blood pressure, acid reflux, IBS, glaucoma, macular degeneration, insomnia, stress, anxiety, migraine, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, neuropathy, allergies, impotence, depression, our acupuncturist in Boca Raton provides acupuncture treatment coupled with Chinese herbs, cupping and vitamin point injection.

Boca Chinese Acupuncturist will first collegect all the information and gives a diagnosis, then get to the root of the problem. And follow a disease cause-oriented, customized treatment plan that provides holistic care to the patients. We ensure that each of our clients gets the bespoke treatment at a competitive price that alleviates the pain, restores the health and harmony of the body.

What to know/do before availing acupuncture service in Boston Chinese Acupuncture Clinic?

Before availing our acupuncture services in Boca Raton, Florida, we would like to suggest following things that would enable our patients to get the maximum benefits:

  • Our holistic acupuncture services are meant not only for pain relief but we provide treatment for a variety of problems like skin diseases, infertility, allergies, acid reflux, diabetes, arthritis, depression and neurological problems, so please list all the health problems on the form located on
  • We determine the condition of patients with the symptoms and by checking the tongue, pulse or abdomen, so please do not run before you come to Boca Chinese Acupuncture clinic or do not scrape your tongue coating. We need to know your digestion so we can help you repair the nerves and blood vessels by improving your digestion.
  • We check out the health history of the patients by asking them questions related to their past and present health conditions.
  • We do not rely only on needles but use a couple of methods like acupressure, cupping, Chinese herbs and vitamin point injection, if patients need.
  • We are committed to provide the best acupuncture treatment and help each patient to make well-informed decisions related to all aspects of the treatment.

As there are no side effects and patients find relief from chronic back pain after 10 or 12 sessions, many people with patience prefer to get back pain acupuncture treatment from Boca Chinese Acupuncture Clinic. If you do not want to limit your future activities with scar tissues and have chronic pain for years after the surgery, you may want to try acupuncture in Boca Raton Chinese Acupuncture Clinic before you jump into surgery. Besides the treatment, we suggest patients the preventative methods that would help them maintain sound health and fitness.

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