Boca Acupuncture

Macular Degeneration

With the Covid-19 interrupting our daily life, patients have to restrict the frequency to visit a doctor’s office. Practicing acupressure is very critical to lower your eye pressure and bring the blood flow to your retina. If you can practice acupressure and taking Chinese herbs for a few weeks every day, you can clear up the inflammation in your retina and improve your vision with less frequent eyeball injection, which does not help to facilitate the regeneration of the neurons in your retina. You can learn how to do acupressure online with Li Zheng by setting up an online consultation. Please visit and click online consultation.

Please enter the amount to be paid for online consultation and click “Submit” button to Pay with Paypal, Debit or Credit Card and Venmo.

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You can make the payment through VENMO APP. Our VENMO account is @li-zheng-23.


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