Boca Acupuncture

Neck Pain Acupuncture

There are many reasons for neck pain, such as degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, neck strain, cervical spondylosis, poor posture, spinal stenosis, neck injury, etc. Neck pain acupuncture in Boca can help reduce the neck pain without the side effects of pain killers or other medications.

Neck pain can make your life difficult by making it difficult for you to move, and daily chores become strenuous. If you don’t want to go for medications and would like to treat it naturally, neck pain acupuncture in Boca is the best. Boca acupuncturist not only treats your neck pain, but also will show you the acupressure point you can press to relive your neck muscles and reduce the nerve compression.

Acupuncture instantly relaxes tight muscles and reduces pressure on the nerves, which ultimately reduces the pain. Experts know the acupoints that immediately relieves your pain and by combining it with other exercises, may bring rapid results.

These exercises impact your whole body, thus providing additional benefits instead of just reducing the pain. The therapeutic effects of neck pain acupuncture in Boca is long-lasting provided that you combine acupuncture and acupressure with good experience and proper training.

Acupuncture also treats chronic neck pain, providing long term pain relive and better neck function, not just until the time medication has its effects. You might have seen many people complaining that they only feel better when they keep taking the medications and after that, the pain comes back.

Neck pain acupuncture in Boca can help you restore the motion range of your neck and cut down the pain medications, which may lead to inflammation in your gut. Acupuncture can also help restore the nerve function when the disc compressed the nerve root.

Everything to Know About Acupuncture and Neck Pain

Summary: Acupuncture is one of the best approaches to deal with neck pain. Neck pain can hamper the overall quality of life and restrict you from the very basic activities in life. Approach a qualified acupuncturist to experience relief.

The muscles in the neck can be involved in various strenuous activities throughout your daily routine. Poor posture is one of the primary causes of neck pain caused by leaning over the computer or workbench for too long during work hours. Acupuncture can instantaneously relive the muscle spasm to reduce the neck pain.

What causes neck pain?

The human neck is responsible for holding the entire weight of the head and is thus susceptible to conditions that curb movement and causes aches and discomfort. Some common causes of neck pain are as follows:

• Overstraining the muscles in the neck by keeping it bent to view laptop and smartphone screens is one of the major factors that cause neck pain in the current world scenario.
• The soft tissues in the neck are strained by injuries such as rear-end car collisions
• Diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and meningitis can be contributors to neck pain,
• Nerve compression can also be a factor that can cause some severe pain in the neck and weakness and numbness of the hands.
• Old age can wear down the neck joint like any other joint in the human body, contributing to neck pain.
• Poor circulation to the neck joint due to diabetes or Reynaud’s can cause neck pain.

The Symptoms of Neck Pain

The symptoms and signs of neck pain include:

• Pain intensifies when holding the head in a specific position for prolonged hours.
• Another primary symptom is muscle spasm or tightness in the neck and upper shoulder areas.
• Headache
• Limitation of head movement
• Tingling, numbness and weakness of the hands.
• Poor vision and vertigo can be symptoms of neck pain

Acupuncture – The Ancient Chinese Holistic Treatment

Used in China for almost five thousand years, acupuncture is a proven and effective treatment for a myriad of health-related conditions such as back pain, depression, insomnia, allergies and tendonitis. It helps relieve pain by relaxing muscles, inducing natural pain killer and clearing up the inflammation. Needles are inserted at certain acupuncture points, which are also regarded as pressure points. The acupuncturist aims to maintain the balance of energy in the body that ultimately contributes to an improvement in health and relief from any form of ache or discomfort.

Acupuncture Research for Neck Pain:

Acupuncture in Neck pain has been regarded as an effective and safe treatment that has the potential to stimulate biochemical changes in areas where the needles are inserted as well as the entire central nervous system. According to research conducted by Spine Universe (, it was found that acupuncture is more effective to treat neck pain than injections. The survey was conducted to ascertain a rank for the best neck pain treatment based on the patient’s satisfaction level. The result concluded that more people voted for acupuncture as a better alternative to treating their neck pain than surgery and other procedures because acupuncture is one of the safest treatments for neck pain considering all the nerves went through the neck and project to the brain.

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