Boca Acupuncture

Acupuncture: A Weight Reduction Therapy

Are you facing weight issues and looking for acupuncture and Chinese herbs to cure this problem? If your answer is yes, then you have landed in the right place. The weight of a person is determined by the amount of energy consumed and released. People make use numerous methods to lose weight. Of course, it is easy to put on weight but difficult to reduce. Obesity is caused by poor diet and stress. Since many people find it difficult to reduce weight, they opt fad diet as directed by the dietician. But if you are not dedicated to a healthy diet, this diet plan will never keep your body balanced. Some people might also feel week by taking in less caloric diet. Eating under highly restrictive pattern may cause many ups and down in body weight and can also cause malnutrition, slow metabolic rate, imbalances in the body and damage of organs. Thus, if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, then acupuncture for weight loss is the best procedure. Boca Raton and Delray acupuncture clinic have accumulated tremendous experiences to design a specific protocol for each individual.

A healthy body weight can be achieved by a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits. But not everybody has a balanced diet; acupuncture helps in reducing the physical and mental stress when you are changing your habit. With acupuncture, you can lessen your body weight and stay fit as well as healthy. This is an ancient Chinese practice, which is quite common these days because stress is a main factor leading to unhealthy diet. The method of acupuncture involves inserting thin needles on the specific point of your body to stimulate certain receptors on the muscles and tendons. This, however, would send information to your brain and releasing endorphin, serotonin, dopamine and GABA to make you happy without eating junk food. The thin needles regulate the production of hormones that play an important role in the metabolism, appetite regulation, and nutrition absorption.

Since acupuncture is a safe and easy method, it comes with no side-effects and helps keep your body healthy while you are losing weight. Let us take a look at the benefits of acupuncture:

Stress management: Stress, anxiety, and frustration trigger a person to eat more because when you are eating, your body has more dopamine release to make you happy. On the other hand, acupuncture can stimulate your body to release endorphins, serotonin, GABA and other relaxing hormones. Reduction in the stress and anxiety would mean less eating and ultimately low body weight.

Hunger Hormones: There is a hormone named Ghrelin in your body that induces the feeling of hunger while leptin makes you feel full and satisfied. Acupuncture helps in balancing Ghrelin and leptin, so you will not feel Hungary all the time.

Pituitary and Thyroid: The rate of metabolism increases when secretions of pituitary gland increase, which, however help to stimulate the thyroid gland. The method of acupuncture re-energizes the hypothalamus and stimulates the pituitary gland to activate a sluggish thyroid gland and speeding up the metabolism of your body. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can also improve your thyroid function directly by brining energy to thyroid gland.

If you would like to achieve the best result with acupuncture for weight loss, you need to find one of the acupuncturists with more than 25 years of experiences in Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, Parkland, Pompano Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, Miami, Coconut Creek and Deerfield Beach. Then you need to be committed to 2 to 3 times acupuncture for 4 weeks, then once a week for another 10 weeks. It takes at least 3 to 6 months to improve your thyroid gland function and increase your metabolism.

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