Chinese Acupuncture for Veterans, Inc. is a non-profit organization created with the purpose of giving back to those who bravely served our country in the US Military Armed Forces. Acupuncture treatments will be provided as well as educational seminars focused on the health issues of veterans.
We acknowledge that veterans, because of their unique experience in combat and similar high stress situations, are often afflicted with physical and emotional disorder ailments. Often times veterans do not have the resources available to seek proper treatment and care. For this reason, we will provide services at low cost or no cost to verifiable uninsured veterans over 65 years old.
Acupuncture will be applied to treat ailments that may include, but not limited to: Acid Reflux, Acute Pain, Anxiety, Asthma, Allergies, Carpel Tunnel, Chronic Pain, Depression, TMJ, Insomnia, IBS, Migraines/Headaches, Neck and Lower Back Pain, Neuropathy, Sciatica, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD, Stroke, Weight gain, Arthritis, Glaucoma, Macular degeneration, Tendonitis, Colitis, Cystitis, Diabetes, MS, AF, , Raynaud’s, Sciatica, Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Frozen shoulder, Plantar Fasciitis, TMJ, Excessive sweating, Restless leg syndrome, Sleep apnea, Neuroma, Ear ringing, ED, Eczema, Dry eye, Sinusitis, Prostate enlargement and Psoriasis.
Chinese Acupuncture for Veterans, Inc. will provide free acupuncture consultation with a zoom meeting and the information to how to find the close-by acupuncturist to have the treatment regularly and conduct educational seminars with neurologist, psychiatrist, orthopedic surgeon and psychologist in a zoom meeting, so we can find the right self-healing technique such acupressure during the pandemic.
Acupuncture and Acupressure treatments will be applied to treat PTSD, reduce stress levels, help balance the patients’ immune system, increase anti-inflammatory effects and help reduce pain.
Board of Directors:
Li Zheng – licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, PhD, graduate of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China’s most prestigious institution of traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Zheng has over 27 years of clinical experience, a Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School trained researcher, director of Natural medicine at American Chinese Medicine Exchange Society and a professor at the New England School of Acupuncture. She is also the author of the books, Acupuncture and Hormone Balance, Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for Common Disease, Acupuncture and Infertility and Prostate and Erectile Dysfunction.
Robert Whynot – a retired Vietnam veteran with numerous years of experience in working with veteran organizations. Robert serves as the organization’s military liaison working actively with veteran groups in Boca Raton, West Palm, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Coral Springs, Parkland, Pompano Beach, Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Fort Lauderdale, Coconut Creek and Deerfield Beach
Bonnie Pearson – comes from a multi-generational family of US Army active service and veterans. Bonnie has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing and serves as the organization’s public relations and office manager.