Ulcerative Colitis: Does Acupuncture Work?
What You Can Expect During Acupuncture Treatment
Like conventional medicine, acupuncture for colitis treatments will vary from a person to a person. In Boca Acupuncture clinic, the acupuncture practitioner will ask you questions about your diet, areas where you experience the most discomfort, sleep patterns, past medical history and so on. A typical acupuncture treatment lasts between forty minutes to an hour and can involve as many as 20 needles, or as few as 5. The positioning of the needles is specific both to the patient and the problem he or she is experiencing. Some acupuncturist use heat along with acupuncture needles, or even low-level electrical currents, to increase the level of blood circulation in the body. The number of sessions a person may need again varies from individual to individual; on average, a person needs to undergo six to twelve sessions before the treatment can prove truly effective. Boca acupuncture clinic can also use the acupuncture point injection to achieve long lasting result.
Should You Try Acupuncture for Colitis?
Testimonials abound how people suffering from ulcerative colitis for many years, have found long lasting relief through acupuncture for colitis. Going to a licensed acupuncture practitioner and consulting with your regular physician before trying acupuncture are generally advised, though. Although acupuncture is still largely seen as a complementary treatment, and not a replacement for conventional medicine, given the benefits experienced by people who’ve tried it, acupuncture is definitely an effective option, worth of a good shot. Especially when patient is cutting down their steroid and anti-inflammatory medication, it is very critical to get acupuncture treatment to strengthen their adrenal gland function, so the symptoms will not come back.